All About Kitchen Thermometers

Have you ever laid awake at night, contemplating the difference between a thermocouple and thermistor thermometer? Well wonder no longer. I’ve spent way too long reasearching every type of kitchen thermometer for you!

This page is broken down in to three parts- feel free to skip around.

Probe Thermometers

When you picture a kitchen thermometer, this is probably what comes to mind. These thermometers have a long metal probe that’s used to measure the temperature inside the thickest part of what you’re cooking or cooling.

If you’re purchasing a probe thermometer for a commercial kitchen, make sure it’s accurate enough to meet local health code. Accuracy within 1°F is generally a safe baseline.

My Budget Recommendation:

My Favorite Thermometer: (I use this one every day) Thermoworks Thermapen One

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